So, Tuesday, Scott and I are going down to Jackson to pick him up and bring him home. Yea!!! I'm mommee to Shaddow (65lb), Ace (15-20), and Ziggee (less than 10) (by descending size). In age, it'd be Ace (7), Shaddow (4), Ziggee (2). By breed it would be Ace (boston terrier), shaddow (lab), ziggee (rat-cha). Ranked by how much I love em, well, like all good mom's...no favorites. I love certain things about Shaddow that are unique to her, and certain things about Ziggee that are unique to him, and I am certain that Ace will have some uniquely endearing characteristics.
I'm really excited. And maybe not everyone would approve. But these are MY babies.
You are an awesome Mommy!
ReplyDeleteThanks for helping out with our deserving animal kingdom.
That was weird. I thought I just left a comment, but I have da Bleary-head.
ReplyDeleteMy thought was: you seem to be the sort that actually Does Something, rather than sitting around talkin' about it.
Goin' back to the couch.
Hi! Glad to see you're doing your part to give a new home to a doggie left behind by Katrina's wake! What a lucky doggie Ace is! I have a Boston myself and know how wonderful they are.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little concerned though -- how do you know his owner isn't looking for him? There are at least 30 reports of "missing" Boston Terriers related to Katrina. Mostly on petfinder.com, but that's not the only place. Owners are hoping to be reunited and I'm heartbroken thinking about people dearly missing their pets. Just curious as to how you acquired him. Do you mind blogging it? Or you could even e-mail me at jmleong at usa dot net. Thanks in advance!
when I arrived at CARA in Jackson, I spoke with 2 of the women who work there, at length. I told them how I came to hear of the animal rescue efforts, and how at first I had just wanted to foster, but then....well, the gist of it is this, they only had less than 10 rescued pets. The rest were pets they'd been taking care of anyway. The two women were very angry at the other women who misrepresented CARA and claimed that all animals were rescued from N'O in Katrina's wake. They also are extremely upset with a person whom I shall not name who took it upon herself to arrange for mass adoptions and again misrepresented CARA. THe thing is, with CARA, you adopt an animal and s/he becomes part of your family. You sign a contract that says that if you cannot or do not want to provide a GOOD home for this adoptee, then you must return said pet to CARA. And let me tell ya, the adoption application, honey, I've seen children adopted with less paper work. So Ace had an entirely different history, he was not a rescuee from the N'O/Katrina mess. I'll post the rest in a more recent entry. Thanks for asking. Debra