03 October 2007

Debra's Daft-Days

I like the sound and look of "daft-days" to describe my ditzy-days.  I'd be using it incorrectly tho (not that that would stop me).  Apparently Daft-Days has a legitimate use, which is to designate those days prior to Christmas when there are lots of good times and merriment to be had.  I think tho that we can have daft-days thru-out the year.  I'm just sayin'.

I also found the exact word to describe the burbling that occurs when your belly talks to you.  Oddly enough, it's called borborygmus, a common medical condition in which the gut rumbles.  When my tummy speaks to me, it sounds like borrr, borng, borryng (bbbriinggg it on, in rumble terms); so borborygmus sounds exactly right.  I know that the medical community is probably breathing a sigh because I approve.

Which brings me to the next term I take delight in.  Bromopnea is a term for bad-breath.  Again, a medical term that sounds so much more legitimate and excusable than 'morning breath' or 'don't get your skanky-ass breath on my clothes, it'll eat holes'.

Another apt term is sitooterie.  If you guessed a place to sit, you'd be right.  It refers to a gazebo, which we all know is a fancy place to park your booty butt.

This last word, snickersnee, makes me, well, snicker.  But in reality, it is not a laughing matter.  A snickersnee is a large (and presumably sharp) knife.  In literature, it seems that often manly men, who take great offense to a slur and are defending their lives (or at the very least their tender egos), draw and wield their snicksnees with intent to end the lives of their offenders.  I doubt I could read such an account without poking fun.

and i didn't.

1 comment:

  1. Well, that explains it then.  When 'we' would be having an uproariously good time, my SIL (the person hater that she is) would inevitably lose her patience and tell us "Knock it off. Don't be daft."  Such a kill-joy.


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