04 October 2007

just sayin'

yea!  my new-found blender works very nicely; blended that blackberry smoothie right up.  yum!

by the way, i just thought i'd share one of my slow-on-the-uptake times from a few years back.  there was this guy that would leave this "<3" at the end of certain lines when im'ing me.  i didn't realize it was a heart.

i thought he was showing me that he had an erection (and a very pointed one at that) and two perfectly rounded testicles.  if ya tilt your head to the left, you might see the same.

turns out it was a "heart-on" he had.


  1. You are very funny!!! /btw I am very jealous a blackberry smoothie sounds so yummy right now...even as late as it is hehehhe...smiles...

  2. Blackberry smoothie sounds soooo good!

    Well, you gave me my first morning giggle Ü...I guess I always knew it was a heart only because my BFF told me. But I can see your point hehe no pundt intended Ü.

    Have a wonderful day!


  3. You're funny.  I've always known it's a heart and still think it resembles a ... you know, 'heart-on'.  How silly.  ;)

  4. I used to make smoothie's all the time, until my blender broke.......Hmmm definitely going on my Christmas List. Thanks for the smile today, I could see your point (winks). (Hugs) Indigo

  5. I didn't know what <3 was for the longest time either.   I thought it just meant "less than three"....and the person using it had low self-esteem.  I'm slow.



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