30 September 2009

it's here, october

here it is, the last month i use my maiden name. my jerry and i are to be wed the last day of this month. we've chosen harvest and autumnal themes for our wedding for several reasons, not the least of which is because neither of us are spring chickens and jerry has vowed to share the "autumn of his life, bright and vibrant" with me. both of us are fond of this time of year, the heat of the summer is past, the cool pleasant days are comfortable with cooler nights. there is just such a sense of relaxation and a calmness, a contentness that seems to be implicit in the progression of fall.

earlier this evening, i was reviewing The Spreadsheet. we know who is coming, and who is not {there are many folks who send their warm wishes but are unable to attend~including most of my friends from out of state}. we know who is bringing what {most folks actually like the idea of bringing food to share in lieu of traditional gifts, and since i've been rambling on about the wedding to complete strangers as i get things ready for the wedding, i've been getting lots of feedback~~some folks are at first surprised by the idea, but then really like it}. and we know who is staying where.

the vast majority of the folks live locally, so accomadations aren't even an issue. in the continuing spirit to keep the cost down for our guests {cuz really, what dish could you possibly bring that would cost more than what you'd spend on a wedding gift?}, we wanted to prepare as many guest rooms as possible so that we would be able to have folks stay with us, if they wanted to. our preacher and two of jerry's kids and his best man will be staying here with us, and we do have three of the rooms finished due to mom and mic's visit. the one guest room that is yet untouched will still be used, there is a bed in there, it's just a bit cluttered. but his son doesn't mind and has assured us that it will be fine, so that's alright then.

my folks will be staying at the lake, site of the wedding/party, in their RV. that's probably where i will dress and prepare for the ceremony. now, all the details are being planned and reviewed and taken care of.

one of my oldest friends {we've known each other since we were ten} is traveling down from ohio with her husband and most likely staying in a nearby hotel. in an odd twist of fate, their bestman is now wedding this month in florida, so they've two weddings to attend in the South this month {i too was in their wedding, some fifteen years ago}. we won't have scads of time to visit, as they will be arriving late friday night and then leaving early sunday morning. but it will be great to see them and i appreciate them coming this distance to be with me on a very special day, to help celebrate with us.

it's all coming together quite nicely!

1 comment:

  1. Yep, Seems like only yesterday we had all the time in the world to get it planned - now here it is only 4 weeks away. Wow!


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