29 November 2007

good month

All in all, this was a good  month for me.  Putting the Social Security Administration Disability Determination continuation review to bed for this time was a biggie.  Making patterns, skirts, purses; my birthday; Thanksgiving, visiting with my guy's family; crafting; my mom's visit; my guy's birthday; NaNoWriMo; getting clothes; learning to bake bread; teaching eight to crochet and knit; blogging; being me.  It's all good.

About my mom's visit:  she arrived Saturday afternoon and we got her all unpacked and settled in.  I was very glad that she was here, but I was very tired and fell asleep early.  She was understanding and I was able to relax moreso, since I knew that I could just let any pretenses go.  Sunday morning, we slept in.  She does that more now than she had ever done so, I think.  Sunday afternoon, she taught me to bake bread and we used no recipe.  She just directed me what to do, and I did it.  I took a few notes during rising times and we visited.  It was very cool and I enjoyed it immensely.  She shared the knitter's looms with me and I made myself a hat.  Monday, I did the bread baking on my own, referring to my notes once.  The bread turned out a bit dry, but other than that, no problems.  I feel good about it.  We visited and then I went out for the Financial Peace session that I've been attending.  I took a loaf of bread in to my friend's place (she is the mother of eight and three).  I also did all the errands and grocery shopping that I had wanted to do before I came home.  Even though I was tired, it was a great day and I felt like I accomplished lots.  Mom and I watched a few movies (Chicago, Spy Game, US Marshals) during this visit.  On Tuesday, my friend and Eight came out and I taught them how to make bread and also taught Eight how to use the knitter's loom.  She began to make her own hat (and when she left, I let her take that loom home with her to complete her hat).  My mom got to be gran'ma for the day and it was so cool cuz she never pressures me to have kids (quite the opposite, she feels i shouldn't have children) and so I rarely see her with children.  My friend took home the loaves of bread that she made and some choc chip cookie dough that I had mixed just before they left.  I taught them how to make the dough for that too (since chocolate chips are so many folks' favorites, I made a quadruple batch and let Eight squish the butter and sugar and such between her lil fingers and she was in play-do' heaven!).  Yesterday, mom and I went for lunch and then did a few errands.  She bought me a few things, like a bread bowl and bread board and jeans and knitter's looms.  I had one pair of jeans that were used when they came to me two years ago and they were getting sorta loose on me.  So these jeans are the first ones I've had brand new in a few years and now I have more than just a pair that sorta fits!  These things were my birthday gifts and Christmas gifts because I doubt I will go out to my folks' for some time.  Early this morning, mom left to drive home (an eight hour drive, as she lives on the western border of Arkansas, within miles of Oklahoma and I live on the eastern side of Mississippi within thirty miles of Alabama).  It was a great visit and a tad too short but better that than a tad too long, right?

Thanks for everyone's well wishes and good comments over the last few weeks.  In part, I was able to have such a great month because of the support and encouragement you gave and continue to give.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. That's really something to have a good month...try to make it two in a row!!



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