08 November 2008

cock grease, devil's delux, swagger cream, high life, lucky tiger, and layrite

Pomades, in case you aren't a Dapper Dan Man, are so plentiful that it makes me glad that I'm a woman with fewer decisions to make about grooming products. I read recently that on average women use 25 (that's twent.tee.five) products every morning in their ablutions routine. At that astonishing news, I was once again confirming that I am not the average woman. According to that, I'd be way less than the average woman. Cuz I use toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, and...what else, nope. I think that's it. Less than a handful. So, that'd actually mean that I am way more than the average woman cuz it means that I don't need to make me over in order to be presentable to the rest of the world.

Now, I add another product to my morning or evening routine. Well, really, it's more like the "whenever i happen to think about it" routine because it's that time of year when my skin starts to suck all the moisture from the air and since the air is drier about now cuz the heater takes it all before my skin gets its fair share. In fact, the heater tends to suck all the air moisture and then robs my skin of its moisture too. So that means I gotta add moisture, besides just using a humidifier (cuz my lungs need some moisture in the air that is breathed, too).

I love Paradise Gold's Cocoa Butter Premium Cream with Shea Butter & Vitamin E and Elastin and Glycerin that is available at Walgreen's for a few bucks. My skin sucks it up and sighs before bursting into glorious song. It's thick and buttery, while being non-greasy; it has a lovely rich cocoa scent that lingers without being overpowering; and if I liked it anymore than I already do, I'd be doing some amazingly indecent sorts of things with it and then posting pictures.

Oh, right. *blush*


  1. Your alot like me in the not being in the average dept. I swear I would never be one of those women who couldn't shower, brush my teeth and be out the door in 15 min. Leaves alot more time to enjoy life. (Hugs)Indigo


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