27 July 2008

the wrath of a worthy woman

this month is my fifth anniversary.  guess what i got?  a cheating lying despicable pathetic asshole who wants my forgiveness, for the third time.  not happening.   my wrath knows no bounds.


  1. WOW  sorry! my 19th would have been on the 29th!!! He almost told me on our ANN to but waited 5 days! My best friends ex told her on their ANN!!!  What is it with these men???
    I am sorry!!!


  2. meant to add WOW for the third time? you are more forgiven then me! Cheating is a deal breaker in my book!


  3. Take a deep breath and think long and deep before you speak or act. Thinking of you and praying for you Debs.   Anne

  4. Oh, and you are absolutely RIGHT..............YOU ARE WORTHY..........very worthy!  Anne

  5. Hell hath no fury ... like ... a ... woman ....

    I want to call him names for you.  But I know that won't help you.  

    {hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs}

  6. Oh CRAP. And I forgot to add ... you are SO WORTHY of being treated with dignity and kindness and respect and love and caring and sharing and all of it.  Not this.  No, not this way.

  7. Worst. Anniversary. Present. EVER!  At some point, forgiveness is no longer
    an option.  But "moving on" is.  As well as "peace".  I wish that for you, Deb.


  8. woo-HOO!!!!!

  9. He doesn't realize what he lost. I'm with agreement on everything Russ said, at this point moving on sounds like the best option. He's not worth another moment of your time or love. (Hugs)Indigo


Thanks for taking the time and effort to let your thoughts be known!