28 July 2008

oh those ancient greek games...

*this entry has been edited from it's original content, wed 30 july 08*

if you look to the left, under the 'about me' heading (well, under the pic of me a handful of months ago); you will see this icon:

I belong to Crochetville, a lovely site for crochet'ers (I seem to be stating the obvious lots lately, helps to reassure me that there really is objective reality that is not a guise for something else, something deceitful).  There are about 21,720 members; 7000 of whom are very active.  The good folks and administrators over there have decided to have a bit of a self-challenge competition that will coincide with the summer Olympics.

The idea is that you think of a project (or projects) that is a personal challenge to you for whatever reason (it could be learning and using a new technique; tackling a dauntingly large afghan or some other intimidating project; completing twelve hundred squares for donation to create afghans for the troops/homeless/poor/seniors/hospitalized; or knocking out a portion or all of your christmas gift list) to commence with the opening ceremonies august 8th and completed by august 24th; ya know, the time frame of the Olympic games.  So far, 136 folks signed on as athletes and there are even quite a few teams formed.  I'm sure that in the next ten days many more will join in the reindeer games that we play.

I've decided to participate, choosing three crochet quilts (or "quilt-ghans") as my personal challenge.  They are found at the happy yellow house site.  There is this one, and uhm this one, and oh hey this one.  Here are the pix that accompany the patterns:


When I decide on yarns and who is receiving what, I'll let ya know.  Because I've returned the loaned web-cam; there won't be any pix in the foreseeable future.  But with yarn samples and scanned clips, I'm sure that you can use your imagination.

I'm not sure who will get which yet; but since I like to think of that person while I crochet that specific project, I'll have to make up my mind in the next week.  The yarn will be chosen after I know for whom the afghans are intended.

so uhm that's what's on my calender this month.


  1. Grrrrrrl! Yer a 'lympEEN!!!

  2. I have no doubt you will finish them all in time. I think the challenge is a great way to get your mind off things. (Hugs)Indigo

  3. Well my dear,  you are going to be a busy little girl, but I've no doubt the exercise in thinking on something else will be good for you in doses AND you'll probably blow away the other athletes .... cause man, I have never known anyone who crochets as fast as you do!

    Have fun with it.  :)


Thanks for taking the time and effort to let your thoughts be known!