01 April 2010

...but seriously folks...

Here it is, about twelve hours later and with a huge sense of satisfaction I've moved my table back into place and set my dining area back to rights. The living area has been restored to order and I feel so much more settled. And of course, I'm feel good about the project!

I've completed joining all the hexagon pieces together to form a queen~sized afghan as you can see here. I'm not exactly sure what I will do about finishing off the entire look with an edging, but at this point I thought I'd post this pix taken from the four corners of the bed. I'll be taking this down to the coast tomorrow to give to My Jerry's youngest son and his lovely wife.

No April Fool's.


  1. That is AWESOME! and Beautiful! And I know how much work you put into it.

  2. Wow. I never stopped to think about what a huge space commitment a project like this. *impressed*


Thanks for taking the time and effort to let your thoughts be known!