26 May 2008

hyperballic tawashi

  Earlier, I'd spoken of Lisa's Thank-You Afghan squares and also a tawashi in the form of a hyperbolic ball (or a hyperballic tawashi, as I've dubbed it).  The Lisa's Thank-You Afghan is very straightforward to understand.  You see, I don't leave home often, but when I do; I can't always take my dogs.  So Lisa, my landlady, feeds the furrbees.  So I wanted to do a Thank-You Afghan of bright colors for her, since she loves bright colors.  In the background, you can see a sample of some fifteen square inch granny squares that I've been completing so that I can soon piece it together and then give it to her.  The little ruffly pieces that are dotting a few, were my early attempts to do the hyperball; which as I pointed out, is not really meant to be a ball form, turned round and round but that it was to be turned as in flipped row by row.  I'll post pix of Lisa's Thank-You when I am thru.   Hope you've had a great weekend!  And a good week to come!


  1. The hyperbolic ball came out good!  And I'm so glad you didn't poke yer eye out!

  2. I think the hyperballic tawashi thingy is cool and would be nice for the shower.  Oh, wait.  Is that what it's for?

    Love the squares.  Looking forward to seeing the finished project!


Thanks for taking the time and effort to let your thoughts be known!