Well, it seems for the past month all I've written has either focused on the LapTop Saga or the journal transfer. I feel like we are on the Titanic. We know the ship is going down but the rescue boats seem inadequat.
I've been crocheting up a storm while watching movies on loan from the library &/or listening to audio books (also on loan from the library). Last week, I sent the shawl/arm warmers/hat/net bag combo to my dear friend in Minnesota. This week, I'm working on baby blankets/mats for several folks. Babies are just popping out everywhere!!
I've also been using the phone way more than I have in years and years. And years. I do need to work on my phone etiquette some. Cuz when it's time to go, it's time to go and I don't waste words or minutes saying "goodbye".
Well, here in New England, we waste a lot of time and words saying goodbye. [giggle]! Etiquette/schmetiquette I always say. :)