11 October 2009

house update

my jerry hung two door and the moulding around them today, we decided to leave the third off til after i move over my things, that way we won't be needing that extra inch or two. he also repaired the leg/foot of a large rectangle table that had been his late wife' parents', which they'd brought back from germany when her father had been stationed there back in the early sixties. i'm not sure how long it had been sitting in pieces, but it's been repaired and placed and it's looking good!

i sorted thru most of the linen and made up the beds in two of the guest rooms, so they are ready for the wedding guests {one will be for jerry's daughter, and one is for the minister}. i want to wait til closer to the time to do up the room for his son and his son's wife {that is one of the two rooms we haven't been able to get to just yet~~and at this point, i think we plan to wait til after the wedding, no point stressing about it right this minute, now is there?}. i also was able to store some of the extra linens for each of those two rooms' beds in the armours in each of those two rooms {one is a double/full size {jerry's grandparents left that to him} and one is queen sized}.

then i stored the rest of the comforters and quilts. jerry's late wife made some lovely quilts, so i've made up the beds with them, but i can't use all the quilts at once. so some of them are in sealed plastic bins so that they are nicely preserved and safe for future usage. when i went thru the linens in the spring of this year, i'd gotten rid of some sheets that we couldn't use, and some comforters and blankets that we couldn't use. but i made sure to save the quilts because either jerry's late wife, her mother, or other women in the family {jerry's grandmothers on both sides} made them and they are to be treasured for a long time to come. there are a few that need an inch or two of stitching for repair purposes, and that sounds like a winter project; along with unpacking and placing all the keep~sakes we've been storing in one room since spring.

once that room is empty, it can be cleaned/painted and then we will use it for the toys and books and things that would be good for the grandchildren to have. in the past, they had the wide long hall in the addition to play in, it was just loaded with toys. we went thru all the toys in the spring of the year, and got rid of some with broken parts, missing parts, etc. then we set some aside that i'd bleached for very young ones. we put the other toys up in the other guest room that we've not yet cleaned/painted. basically, cuz we had no room to go with any of them.

so next spring, that toy room will be ready and those toys will go in there. my jerry and i talked about buying some children's books for various age groups, because his oldest grandson is ten years now, and they go all the way down in age to his youngest grandon at age ten months. we both love to read and we want to encourage the kids to do so too!

so that's pretty much where things are!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like I did a lot more than I did. Its coming together. Just takes time. Love ya baby!


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