23 November 2019

Working on Month Two

I'm just a lil over five weeks post RnY now, working on my sixth week.  Some changes I've noticed are that my hips, lower back by the sacrum, and knees feel OH! so much better!  Tho my midThoracic region is a bit tense, which is new for me.  I think I had been relying on the fat to hold my back in an upright position, so now, I really need to work on my posture and strengthening those muscles so that I'm not a limp noodle or the wavy inflatable guy.

I can breathe lots easier, which is good, esp with winter coming on and folks coughing and spewing their germs everywhere.  I've more energy, not so sluggish, getting up earlier and awake, rather than taking time to wake fully and then needing a nap and then not getting to sleep at night.  I've been maintaining a good healthy sleep schedule that allows me to function much better.

My blood pressure is still some high, but I expected that to take some time to moderate into a lower more healthy range.  I'll be going for labs to check various functions and levels in midJanuary, three months out.  I've been hitting all my micronutrient goals, so I'm pretty sure I'll be sitting pretty.

I do need to increase my water intake.  I've been working on it, while not sacrificing any of my other targets, like protein, vitamins/minerals/supplements {like acidophilus and omega 3-6-9}, and my regular medications that I'd been taking pre-surgery {well, pretty much in one form or another for fifteen years now}.  I feel I'll get the water thing this week and then be able to keep it stable at the goal or above.

The lower intake of water explains a few slight difficulties I am having, like constipation and a bit of a weight loss stall.  It's not a plateau, as it has only been a week or so.  It's just my body adjusting and so I'm not impatient or freaked.  But I did have to remind myself that it's normal and not to worry so.

I'm a bit behind the suggested food stages and textures; that's quite alright, it's better to be safe by taking it slowly than to rush things and hurt myself.  So I'm actually more on the full liquids than anything else, tho I do a few soft foods at this point.  Last week, I was able to start the protein shakes again; for the first month, dairy and its by-products {like whey}were not being very friendly with me.  But we've reached a truce and I'm happy to say that altho I don't care for the ready made drinks as much as I do my own smoothies, I am now getting my protein in adequate amounts.

I'm not huge on chemicals and processed foods, but I do like the Syntrax Promina Whey Protein Shake powder more so than the other protein powders that I've tried.  I also have some pea protein vegan powder that I'll be trying in a bit, but not right now.  When I find something that works for my system, I am cautious about switching to something else until I am a bit more stable.

Right now, since I've been eating/drinking slower, stopping when I feel it's time, and consuming things that I know I'm good with; I've not been regurgitating.  That is a HUGE YEA!! me!!  Especially since the wear and tear that 'urping does tends to last actively for three or four hours.  Then I'm pretty much miserable and worn out.

Do something dumb, pay the consequences.  Treat yourself right, feel much Much MUCH better.  Sometimes lessons bear repeating.  Again and again.  Hopefully my "agains" are lots less fewer, cuz I think I got this, for now anyway.

Sometimes introducing new foods doesn't go so well.  That's why most programs recommend doing that at home rather than elsewhere.  Makes sense to me.

It's great that I've lots of support, both near and far.  Thank you oh! so much, for being so encouraging and inquisitive and interested in my monologues which tend to focus on meMeME at this point.  I'm so fascinated by this experience that it seems that's all I can focus on right now.  Eventually the newness will wear off and I'll be all, what's this, and this, could it be, and that, oh that other thing, let's check it out, and there, what's there, come with me and look, oh my!  But for now, that's all focused in the realm of postRnY and what sort of effects that has on the digestive system, the body as a whole, and the communication with the brain and gut.

1 comment:

  1. I can see some changes, but nice to hear the unseen changes are going well also. Keep it up! Huzzah! Huzzah!


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