09 November 2019

Swimming thru the Villi

Yesterday was the start of my fourth week, post bariatric surgery.  I'm now technically into my soft food stage of healing and reintroducing foods to my Rumbly Tummy.  However, I tend to still do much better with broths and soups as a whole.  I have tried some other things; but like dairy, most things just aren't agreeing with me yet and I'm not going to force the issue.  Tho sometimes my mouth does write checks my stomach pouch is all like, nope Nope NOPE not cashing that, and oohpsie, it comes back up.  Usually I get myself to the bathroom in enough time, but sometimes what I think is a burp, is substantially more.  Would that be a vurp?

Mushrooms seem to go down nicely, like the ones in the Tom Kha that most any Thai restaurant will serve.  Mostly it's a matter of remembering to take my time and chew thoroughly.  It is SO a learning process; I'm getting better at noticing and predicting.  Most of the sensations are entirely new to me and I am not always sure if that particular one usually means this or if that feeling there is a one off and not likely to occur on a regular basis.  After all, I am still healing and not all sensations are my new normal, some are going to happen only through the healing stage; others are truly wow, ok, I hope that does not occur again.

Since I don't use facebook and other platforms that would have support groups, I rely on a few folks whom I know have experienced either RNY or gastric sleeve and also my own research online to answer a few questions.  If I am truly concerned, I eMail my follow up doc and nutritionist and ask!  They both respond quickly and are very thorough in their explanations.

However, I don't have any major concerns and am healing nicely.  My external incisions, including my drainage port, are healing well and are likely to continue doing so.  My internal anastomoses are, I think, healing as they should be.  I'm experiencing no pain, nor constant pressure or discomfort.  I have no fevers or swelling indicating inflammation.  The only regurgitation occurs when I've eaten too fast, too much, or something that is too soon for my system to handle yet.

So picture a shag rug rolled up so that the plush extensions are on the inside of that tube.  That's what the jejunum is like.  It's the second part of the small intestine and its function is to allow the well chewed tiny bits of food to go thru the finger~like villi that coat the entire inside of jejunum so that all those projections can pull the micro- and macro- nutrients out of the sustenance.  Since that is connected directly to the end of my stomach pouch, it means that if I want food to go thru that efficiently, I not only need to chew, Chew, CHEW but I also need to not drink anything for about half an hour before or after, so that I don't flush the proteins or micronutrients thru like having the water on full force before the plumber's helper has a chance to do its thing in your house pipes.  Or rinsing the dye out of your hair before it's set.  Or any one of the other examples that might spring to mind.

It also means tho that soups and broths and the food that's all soaking wet is easier on my system right now than comparatively drier and substantially firmer white meat of chicken and turkey or raw carrots and radishes or even flaky fish and shrimp.  All very tasty things yes, but not practical at this point.

Baby steps, Debra, baby steps.

1 comment:

  1. I was puzzling for a moment over "vurp"?. It took me a moment and when I got it I had an "ewww" moment. Read the rest, and agree with your assessments on all of it! Big THUMBS UP! Now, to everyone else that may read this, commenting or not, "Debra's birthday is one week from today!"


Thanks for taking the time and effort to let your thoughts be known!