06 November 2018

Voting Day, do it anyway.

This morning, my husband {Jerry} and I stopped at our polling place on our way to town.  There were two people in front of us; thankfully, there was no line.  It was painfully similar to that scene in Zootopia at the DMV with the sloths.

Sloth number one:  Hey, how are
{us:  fine}
Sloth #1: you?   How can I
{Jerry:  here's my license}
Sloth #1: help
{Jerry: under W.  Wolf}
Sloth#1:  you?   Ok, wait til I

turning pages one at a time.
576 pages later...

Sloth#1: find you
{Jerry: stay on that page, because there are two of us}
Sloth#1: and check your
{Jerry:  there are two of us, so just stay on that page}
Sloth#1:  identity.

Meanwhile, the other sloth sits motionless.
She has a stack of 'I voted!' stickers clutched in one hand.
In her other hand, is a stack of electronic cards for voting.
She is placidly staring ahead.


Jerry moved over to her, while I am signing the book.  I realize that the verbal K could refer to the letter or to my entire middle name.  Because I want my vote to count, I ask sloth#1 which it is.  He bah.lah.inkssss slowly and then turns his head to me.  I am bent over the registration book, pen posed, waiting.  He looks back to his book and again blin.ks.  Then he says, "oh"

Sloth number two has halted her progress in giving Jerry both an electronic voting card and a sticker, so that she might consider the question.  She says, "that is"

Sloth #1:  I see
Sloth #2:  a very good
Sloth #1:  how that
Sloth #2:  question.  A legitimate
Sloth #1:  could be a
Sloth #2:  concern.
Sloth #1:  concern.

Both sloth numbers one and two turn toward each other and share a slow grin, which light up their faces.  It would have been much funnier, and cuter, if I wasn't in such a rush.

Slow Voting Process==First World Problem

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