03 August 2012


Wow, I started this yesterday and finished it today.  It's my first counted cross~stitch in years.  I did one, well a partial one, when I was in uhm seventh grade?  Home Ec.  That was almost thirty years ago {...wow...}.  Then almost ten years ago, I did some plastic canvas and then used the same principles to make a keepsake quilt for my friend's baby.  But this is the first actual counted cross~stitch I've ever completed.  I improvised a lil with the legs, cuz I wanted to give it character.  The back looks atrocious, but you can't see that, cuz I didn't take a pic of it.  There are a few places where my stitches get really wonky, with one side of the X a bit shorter and the other side a bit longer, so it's really sorta lop~sided.  But if I didn't go pointing out all that, would you have noticed?